Events @ GNSS

International Conference (ICRTST 2021)
The main purpose of organizing the international conference is to provide a platform for interaction and collaboration amongst the eminent professionals, researchers and scholars of different fields from both academia and industry to discuss and to share the state of the art development in recent trends in Science and Technology. Guru Nanak College of Science in association with the Sevadal Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur and Sardar Patel Mahavidyalaya, Chandrapur organized One Day International Conference (Virtual Webinar) on “RECENT TRENDS IN SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY” ICRST-2021 on Saturday 3rd July 2021 online webinar on Cisco WebEx Meet.
Convenor of the conference Dr. Vijay Wadhai, HOD Microbiology welcomes all the participants, organizers, Hon’ble members of Management and Hon’ble speakers. He gave introduction on the international webinar, and explains the importance of the webinar to academic fraternity.
Hon’ble Prof. Pravin Charde, Principal, Sevadal Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur gave his introductory remarks on importance of organization of International online webinar in this pandemic situation, and also appreciated to management and principals of other colleges for their association to conduct webinar jointly.
Hon’ble Prof. R. P. Ingole, Principal, Sardar Patel Mahavidyalaya, Chandrapur, emphasize on jointly organization of International online webinar also congratulate to all the participants and organizers for conduction of the webinar.
Hon’ble Prof. B. M. Bahirwar, Principal, Guru Nanak College of Science, Ballarpur, express his happiness and best wishes on jointly organization of International online webinar also congratulate to all the participants and organizers for conduction of the webinar.
Hon’ble Shri Sanjay Shende, President, Sevadal Education Society, Nagpur has encourages to conduct such international Online webinar for the benefit of Professors, students, researchers and academicians.
Hon’ble Shri Prashant Potdukhe, President, Sarvoday Shikshan Mandal, Chandrapur has expressed his happiness and conveyed best wishes for the conference.
Hon’ble Shri Sardar Naginder Singhji Soni, President, Guru Nanak Seva Samiti, Ballarpur has given warm wishes for the success of the webinar.
In the Key Note address, Hon’ble Dr. Pankaj Koinkar, Associate Professor, Department of Optical Science, Tokushima University, Tokushima, Japan delivered a scientific talk on ‘Waste management and recycling technology for cleaner and greener future’. He has given current techniques on different types of disposal of solid waste created by human being.
In the First Technical Session, Hon’ble Dr. Sandip Ghuge, Research Associate, Agriculture Research Organisation, Israel, delivered a scientific talk on ‘Expansion of genetic code in higher plants by Genetic Engineering’. His keen interest on genetic manipulation in higher plants and their positive expression results were very important and participants came to know the recent developments in expression study of luceferase enzyme on higher plants.
In the Second Technical Session, Hon’ble Dr. Janchai Yingprayoon College of Hospitality Industry Management, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand, has lively interacted with all the participants and his talk was on ‘Teaching Science to Undergraduate students’. He has explained to all the participants how to approach lively before the students and researches lively by using recent technologies during this pandemic situation.
All the researchers have asked to Full length Research paper will be published in Special Issue ‘International Journal of Research in Bioscience, agriculture and Technology’ IJBAT with e-ISSN 2347-517X online. This Journal is Open Access Double Blind Peer Reviewed, Referred and Indexed.
Dr. Prafulla Katkar, HOD of Microbiology, Guru Nanak college of Science, Ballarpur, Convenor of the conference, conducted all the proceedings of the conference very nicely and maintained the international gesture of the conference.
Dr. Prabhakar Bhandari, HOD of Microbiology, Sevadal Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Convenor of the conference proposed vote of thanks to all the participants, organizers, Hon’ble members of Management and Hon’ble speakers for their active participation, encouragement for the success of the webinar.
All the organizing secretaries of the conference Dr. Mrs. Vaishali Thool, and Dr. P.R. Borkar S. P. College, Chandrapur, Dr. G. S. Ghugare and Dr. K. N. Sahare, Guru Nanak College, Ballarpur and Mrs. Seema Nimbarte and Dr. Mrs. K. V. Dubey Sevadal Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur for their timely cooperation for success of the conference.
A special thanks to Mr. Santosh Shinde a technical staff form S. P. College Chandrapur has immensely helped and looked after all the technicalities of the online system for smooth conduction throughout the conference also non teaching staff of the Department of Micro-Biology of all the colleges took every hardship for the grand success of ICRST-2021.
Hon’ble Members of Management, Hon’ble Speakers, Organizers, and Participants actively participated and interacted with each other